Liebster Award #2

Woohoo I've been nominated for another Liebster Award! I was nominated for this the first time not long after had started my blog and I was thrilled, I literally thought I had won the Oscars of blogging. It's lovely to have been nominated again especially after the lovely 'Share the Love' #bbloggers chat last night. This time I was nominated by the lovely Rae over at Some Broke Girl, I love that her blog isn't all about high end products, that lets face it we can't really afford (or at least I can't).

So here are the rules...
1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Ask 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 9 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each blogger's page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

My 11 facts about myself...
1. I am addicted to nail polish
2. If I could put sour cream on everything I eat I would!
3. High School Musical 3 is right up there in my top 5 fave films of all time
4. I am a terrible saver, money literally turns to dust in my hands
5. I have huge personal space issues
6. My little girl is named after an Oasis song
7. My husband was my first love
8. I'm about to take on a major new role at work and I'm pooping myself!
9. I love One Direction
10. If I could colour my whole face in with concealer I would
11. I love my own company and staying in (basically I'm boring)

My questions from Rae...

1) What names do you want to name your babies one day? (If this doesn't apply to you, just say a name you like aha)
I already have two little girls called Violet (4) and Lylah (2)
2) Style Icon? 
Lauren Conrad, Zooey Deschanel and Taylor Swift

 3) What is the one beauty product you couldn't live without?

 4) What is your earliest memory?
I'm really rubbish at remembering my childhood!

 5) What did you dream about last night?
Erm, can't remember :)

 6) What is your life ambition?
For my husband to make lots of money so I can become a lady of leisure and spend all my time with my girls.

 7) What make-up brand is your favourite and what item is their best? 
I love Benefit makeup, at the moment the best thing of theirs is POREfessional and Boi-ing concealer

 8) Where would you love to travel to? 
New York

 9) Who is your favourite Kardashian Sister (Any answer other than Khloe is wrong aha) 
None, I think they are all twits!

 10) If you could have one celebrity's feature what would it be and why? (Eg, Beyonce's bum)
Caroline Flacks legs, they are short but lovely.

11) What trend for 2013 are you most excited about?
Going to New York for my 30th (not so excited about the 30th part)
My nominees...
My questions to my nominees...
1. Shopping - Online or in store?
2. Weekends - Staying in or going out?
3. Exercise - love it of hate it?
4. If you were going into the 'I'm a Celeb' jungle what would be your luxury item?
5. Who's your style icon?
6. If you could have a super power what would it be and why?
7. What can you not live without?
8. Did you make any New Year's resolutions? If you did what were they?
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
10. Which most hyped beauty products have you been most disappointed by?
11. Which drug store beauty product have you been most surprised by?
So there you have it, I can't wait to read all of your responses to my questions.


  1. Thank you so much for my nomination!


  2. Ashleigh- thank you so much for the nomination :)

    Sarah xx

  3. I found your blog from the #bbloggers chat & i'm now following you!(:

  4. Thankyou for the nomination lovely! x


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