Sunday Shout Out | Christmas Edition

Ooo it's coming, there's no way you can stop it now so might as well embrace all that is festive and glittery! Personally I LOVE Christmas, I'm that person singing Christmas songs in June and having to be physically restrained from putting my tree up before the 1st December.
So naturally I have already started my Christmas shopping, in fact I'm almost done! To save me a little bit of time I have been on the hunt for fantastic Christmas gift guide type posts, and let me tell you most have fallen flat! Not in the having fantastic gift idea department but in the simple admin of the guide itself. I have come across so many that feature some really nice things but they fail to give any information about where to buy or price and there isn't a link in sight. I know I could leave a comment to ask where the things are from but I don't have time to keep checking back for replies that may never come. I know how hard it is to write a gift guide, hence the reason I haven't written one myself, it takes a lot of time and effort to put a really good one together so I don't understand why people are ruining their hard work by missing the simple necessities.

However, there are some fantastic Christmas Gift Guides out there so I thought I would save your time by pointing them out to you...

First up is Beauty and the Chic, this is one of THE best Christmas gift guides I have found, Claudia has certainly done her research! There are so many lovely things on her list that she has had to do it in two parts, that's how much work has gone into this post. It's clear and easy to read with all of the vital information and links you need!

Next up is Jemima & Ted, I first discovered Kat's fab gift guides last Christmas, I especially love her gift guides for men as I always struggle when it comes to buying for my hubby and she has some brill options to choose from. I have bought 3 of the things off this list, not saying who for or which three as you never know who's reading :)

Another blog I find myself coming back to time and time again for informative straight to the point product reviews is Makeup Savvy and her gift guides this Christmas are just as good. If you're looking for something a bit different she's your gal, her blog is full of the latest offering from new and established brands.

Beauty & Baggage has got all your bases covered from beauty to food and all things in between. Again Seonaid's gift guides are packed with all the vital information you need and the things she has chosen to include are really different, I have picked up some great ideas from them.

Finally this is a blog that was pointed out to me by Stacey from Expat Make-Up Addict, The Other VW has got a series of gift guides for everything from under £5 right up to the really expensive high end stuff. I know which list Stacey will be eyeing up :) 

So there you have it, my pick of the best Christmas gift guides I have come across so far. I hope this post has been helpful and if nothing else it has introduced to you some really fab blogs. Obviously my gift guide hunting won't stop until I have all my presents sorted so I will continue to keep you updated with the anymore that I find. If you have spotted any great gift guides or have one of your own I'd love to hear about them as I still have a few more presents to buy.

P.S. I know it's not Sunday but I planned to have this go live yesterday and for some reason it didn't happen!
P.P.S. If you're seeing this for the second time it's because the evil blogger gremlins deleted it the first time!


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