Ten Reasons Why...#4

It's been a while since I did one of my 'Ten Reasons Why..' posts and seeing as my favourite time of year is just around the corner I thought I'd do another and tell you all why I love Autumn. 

Ten Reasons Why...I love Autumn
1. The fashion, I much prefer Autumn/Winter fashion to Spring/Summer.
2. The early evenings, I love it when it starts to get dark earlier it makes me feel all cosy.
3. The extra hour in bed!
4. The count down to Christmas.
5. Getting all wrapped up to go for walks in the forest hunting for pine cones.
6. The footwear, I spend all summer hunting for suitable shoes when really all I want to do is throw on a pair of nice boots!
7. The predictable weather! I hate not knowing what to put on in Summer because of the unpredictable weather. 
8. You don't have to mow the lawns!
9. No more hayfever.
10. Lazy Sunday film afternoons with the girls, it just doesn't feel right to have these in the Summer.

What's your favourite season? Are you an Auntumn lover or do you cling onto Summer for as long as you can?


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