
Hey folks, if you have been a follower for a while you will have noticed that every now and again I will be a little MIA, this is purely down to how busy I am at work. Now is one of those times and I didn't want all my lovely new followers to start wondering where I have gone or that I'm not bothered, because I am!

We are in the planning stages for next year at the moment, which means lots of travelling and lots of meetings at work, which in turn means I am absolutely shattered when I get home and just do not have the energy to even turn on the computer. I do have a couple of quiet days this week so I am hoping to get some posts scheduled for the next few weeks, so please bare with me (in the words or Arnie) I will be back!

So what have I been up to I hear you cry, well as you know I turned 30 a couple of weeks ago and I had arranged a nice little getaway in London (was supposed to be Paris, but that's another very long story!). We had a great time seeing the sights and shopping and just by pure luck (as we didn't have anything booked or planned) we stumbled across The Top Secret Comedy Club Drury Lane. We had a 2 for 1 entry voucher, which when it was only £10 each I felt really cheeky using, then we were given free pizza and the drinks were super cheap! The comedy was first class too, there had been a change to the line up and we ended up getting to see Paul Chowdhry, who you might have seen on Live at the Apollo and I think he has a programme on channel 4. We laughed our little socks off all night, I would definitely recommend The Top Secret Comedy Club if you're in London and not sure what to do with your evening. 

Anyone got the time?

Ring ring, I think it's for you love?

Lylah's future home (when she marries Prince George)

Blue chicken in Trafalgar Square obvs!

Amazing food at The Diner, Soho

Some crazy Americans shut down Regent Street
And don't worry there will be a huge haul post heading your way very soon!

I will be going backwards and forwards to London a few times in the next couple of weeks for exciting work things and belated birthday celebrations, me and a couple of my girlies are off to see Wicked! So expect a lot more news from the big smoke.

Well I hope that has given you a little something to wet your appetite for some up coming posts :)


  1. Looks like you had a lovely time! Shame about Paris but London is a fab 2nd choice. I love that city. Happy Belated 30th x

    1. I had a fab time, thanks. Happy belated birthday to you too :)

  2. Thank you, good old Instagram :)


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