Summer: I'm coming to get you, ready or not!

I know with the weather being as rubbish as it is we might not be feeling very summery, but believe it or not summer is just around the corner and I for one am sick of the rain so I have made a vow to get myself summer ready, come rain or shine!

The clothes are so lovely at this time of year, lots of girly floral patterns and pastels everywhere and if we don't act fast they'll soon be gone and the shops will be full of cosy jumpers and dark colours again. So I'm making a stand in the name of summer, it might have forgotten us but I certainly haven't forgotten it! I am on a fat fighting mission and even if it kills me I will be setting my legs free from the jeans and tights and getting them out!

And so to the point of this post, I was recently perusing the New Look website looking for something for a black tie do, of which they had very little that was suitable. However what they did have was lots of lovely dresses perfect for casual summer days and my holidays. I love New Look clothes at the moment, they just seem to be getting it right in all areas for me and the prices are amazing, you would pay double for the same thing in Topshop (boo, hiss).

I just love all of these dresses, my favourite for everyday, fun with the kids, lunch with the girls dress is number 2. It just looks so easy to wear, keep it casual with flip flops or sandals or dress it up with a pair of wedges. The bottom row of dresses I picked out as work wear really, as the dress code at work has recently changed to 'smart casual', the two words most dreaded by girls across the land! I prefer wearing dresses to trousers as tailored clothing doesn't really suit my body shape. My favourite of these is number 9, it's smart but still has that stylish edge to it with the collar, which I love.

There is one option there that maybe suitable for the black tie event I'm going to, which is number 6, I really love the colour and the style is one I know flatters my shape. I will need to get some sort of tanning action though as this colour can make my pasty complexion look washed out.

All of these dresses are very reasonably priced, the most expensive is number 6 at £54.99 but the rest of them come in at around £25 which I think is great value as all of these dresses I would get a lot of wear out of. However I'm not made of money so I will need to narrow it down to just a couple I think and that's the hardest part!

If you're also fed up of this damp and down right confusing weather and are also prepping for summer whether it likes it or not I'd love to know what you're doing to get in the summery spirit...


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