Life update and Beat the bulge #2
Hello again y'all, apologies for my MIA status recently but I have been sooooooooooooo busy at work I've hardly had time to sit down never mind blog!
As I have been absent for quite a while I thought I'd take this opportunity to fill you all in on what I've been up to, as it's rather exciting.
As you know (or maybe you don't) I work as a brand manager for BlanX toothpaste, and with the launch of BlanX White Shock recently things have been crazy busy and exciting. Over the past couple of weeks I have been swanning around Italy on a secret BlanX mission, if you follow @BlanXuk on Twitter you will be up to speed and you've probably got a good idea of what I was up to. I'm not going to say too much as I don't want to spoil the surprise, all I will say is keep your eyes open for BlanX White Shock EVERYWHERE in August!
I love that I get to travel with my job, I never thought I'd be doing anything like this when I graduated uni and settled down to have my family. I feel truly blessed to be doing a job I love and extremely grateful for all the amazing opportunities I have been given.
I have been in Bologna, the home of BlanX and the original bolognese, where they eat and eat and eat! Seriously, after I had been making such an effort to loose weight my trip completely ruined it! Which brings me to my Beat the Bulge update, if you have read my first Beat the Bulge post you'll know I have started the Slimming World diet to try and loose weight for my hols. It all started so well and I had lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks, then I went to Italy...
We were wined and dined whilst there, which I thought would be fine as pasta is allowed on Slimming World, however meals that consist of 5 - 6 courses and mascapone so good it should be illegal are not! I managed to gain 2 lbs whilst there and to be honest I haven't been trying as hard since I got back. I am determined to get back on track and I have lots of new delicious recipes to try out, when I've made a couple I'll put them on here for you all to see.
So that's it a bit of an update as to what's going on with me and why I have been so quiet on here for the last few weeks. As well as getting back on track with my diet I'm also going to get back to blogging, if you want to keep up to date with the dieting and my exciting BlanX adventures why not follow me on Bloglovin'?
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