So long Google Reader, hello Bloglovin'

If you are an avid blog follower you will probably be aware that Google Reader is apparently no more as of today, however everything still seems to be working fine on mine so far.

As I have spent the last 8 or so months trying to build up a following and keep you guys coming back for more I will be sad to see Google Reader/GFC go. Although I know followers don't translate into readers and vice versa it is always nice to have something visual to keep you motivated. 

There are still plenty of ways you can keep up with my ramblings, I have a Facebook page (which I must remember to update more now) and I'm also on Twitter. You can also follow my blog on a couple of blogging network sites such as She Said Beauty and Bloglovin'

If you're dreading the thought of hunting down all of your favourite blogs on Bloglovin' in order to keep following them, don't worry I think there is a function whereby it connects to your Google account and matches up the blogs for you. This may stop working once it all actually shuts down 100% so best to do it quickly. 

I'm grateful to each and everyone of my readers and I would be over the moon if you lot would carry on following my nonsensical chatter over on Bloglovin' etc.


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