Childcare = 'Significant Decline' = Rubbish!

Hello everyone on this lovely Wednesday morning.

I was having a very pleasant day until about 5 minutes ago when I read this on the Daily Mail Online...

It seems us parents can not win! What would they rather us do, not work and claim thousands of pound a year in benefits instead? Hard working parents make the tough decision to go back to work to provide for their children, it is not that they do not want to spend time with them and help them develop, as I am sure most parents would love to be able to afford the luxury of staying at home with their children everyday. But the fact of the matter is most families can not afford to feed their children unless they go to work!

I just wish society would stop trying to make parents feel even more guilty than they already do when they leave their children every morning at nursery of with a childminder. It is ridiculous to say that children miss out and 'suffer significant declines' in their development through being in childcare. If parents take the time to find a decent childcare provider there is no reason at all that the child should suffer. If a childs parents are not using the time they do have with them to their development then childcare is probably the best place for them, as it is unlikely that the childs parent being at home with them would change this situation. If a parent has not taken the time to make sure the childcare setting is of the highest standard then they obviously do not take much of an interest in their child's development as it is, therefore I doubt being at home with them would make any diference. At least when these children are in childcare they are constantly stimulated and surrounded by other children having fun and getting messy, and not stuck inside with adults all day long either in front of the TV or playing on their own.

There are many stay at home parents who do an excellent job, and I know that most working parents are very envious of the time they do have with their children, but on the flip side there also a lot of stay at home parents who do nothing with their children and who stick them in a buggy or the car and drag them from place to place without even speaking to them.

Please can we stop trying to make parents jobs even harder, they already feel guilty most of the time. It is a constant mind battle of 'am I doing the right thing' and the answer is YES! If your child is well cared for by you and their childcarer then there is no problem with you being at work, after all you go to work to provide for them, to put food in their mouths, clothes on their backs and a roof over their heads!
Don't let these small-minded idiots (in my opinion), who probably do not have children of their own or do indeed send them to childcare themselves get to you or put anymore pressure on to your already stressful lives.

Phew, rant over promise!


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